Fabric Postcards for the Troops - Penny's Postcard Posse
Greetings, Quilters!
The race is on. With a June 15 deadline and Magical Motivators, quilters all over the country are rushing to send their fabric postcards in to How-to-Quilt.com.
The project is to collect tiny quilts, more commonly known as fabric postcards, and send them to the troops overseas.
Penny's Postcard Posse began the project last Sunday, May 29, and already the postcards are rolling in.
Quilters in discussion groups are participating, quilters in quilt guilds are in on the deal, and individual quilters who have never done anything like this before are sending these tiny greetings in.
They are truly inspirational, and pictures are being added each day as the fabric postcards arrive.
There's still time to get the details and send yours in. It's really easy to participate.
Create your own design. There is a pattern available for an American flag paper pieced tiny quilt. We have been told that flags won't be acceptable for sending abroad, especially to Iraq. That being the case, any postcards that can't be sent to Iraq may go to a different site abroad, or may go to a hospital to be given to soldiers wounded in the war. Feel free to create a home scene, favorite park, tree, even a photo transfer of your family onto the fabric. Anything that will remind a soldier that we are with them and praying for their safe return.
Make it almost any size. We are trying to keep them small, so the soldiers can carry them in their pockets. Postcard size is a general guide - 3" by 5," 4" by 6" and anything in between. We'll take them all!
Use whatever materials you would like. Cotton is good, polyesters are fine. You can use batting, if you would like. Some quilters use interfacing, making it easier to write a greeting on the back. You may not want to get carried away with buttons and things that will dangle from it.
Yes, make a back and write a greeting! Include whatever information you would like. Some quilters have included their name and address. Who knows, you may get a letter from a soldier. How cool would that be?
You may send one directly to a soldier, if you have a contact and would like to do that. If you would like a picture of your postcard posted on our site, send the photo along to us at: info@how-to-quilt.com. Your picture can be any size. We will size it to fit our site, and post a large one as a link to boot!
Join in the fun! We will continue to post pictures, collect cards and keep you updated.
Happy Quilting!
Penny Halgren
Inspiration and Education for Beginning Quilters
Fast, Fun and Funky Quilts
Quilt Greetings Around the World
At 12:17 AM,
Penny Halgren said…
The August Eagle postcards have turned into October Turkey postcards for Thanksgiving. The Robin's Nest DVD got in the way. Hmmm--- sounds like it's all birds.
Details will be posted and sent out beginning September 25 - mom's birthday!
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