
Little fabric postcards have become very popular as a fun way for quilt makers to Send Quilt Greetings to Friends and Family Across the Miles. In addition, fabric postcards are a way to send a taste of the States to our troops around the world.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Penny’s Postcard Posse Kicks Off its 2nd Annual Roundup for the 4th of July

Remembering what the 4th of July is all about, quilters are once again dropping everything to create tiny quilts for soldiers abroad. These pocked-size greetings, made from bits and pieces of fabric, will be sent to Marines in the remote parts of Iraq to let them know that people here in the States are thinking about them and praying for their safe return.

“Quilters have a history of sending quilts to soldiers,” observed Penny Halgren, initiator of Penny’s Postcard Posse and leading expert on teaching beginning quilters how to quilt.

“Generally, though, quilts go to wounded soldiers and the families of fallen soldiers. We want to do something special for the soldiers who are out there still fighting the fight for freedom. Full size quilts didn’t seem too practical, so we decided to make tiny quilts that the soldiers could carry with them.”

Quilters began this project on Memorial Day 2006, and collect more than 230 fabric postcards by the middle of June, one quilt representing each year since the Declaration of Independence.

“Quilters are amazing,” Halgren continued, “and quite responsive. I suspected that many would enjoy participating in this project, since it was something that anybody could do, and a tiny fabric postcard could be completed in less than 2 hours. It’s impressive to know that in one short year, Penny’s Postcard Posse has rounded up more than 1721 postcards that have been delivered to soldiers in the Middle East.”

Soldiers from Camp Pendleton (California), Mountain Home (Idaho), and Alberta (Canada), have received postcards from the previous Roundups. The recipient base will be announced later this month.

For more information, email Sherry at sherry@how-to-quilt.com; to participate Penny’s Postcard Posse’s next Roundup, visit www.Fabric-Postcards.com


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