We're rounding up postcards to send to the troops abroad for Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving Day is great if you are surrounded by your family and friends. But what if you are far away, fighting unpredictible enemies in a foreign land?
Even surrounded by your military friends, I would imagine that Thanksgiving just doesn’t have the same meaning.
And what about the “thanks?” There you are sitting among a bunch of military folk, sharing turkey (maybe) and stories of Thanksgivings at home, hearing words of appreciation from each other – about protecting someone’s backside from attack.
Because the last fabric postcard drive was so successful, I decided that gathering postcards for Thanksgiving would be a fabulous follow-up.
We all know that everyone loves a quilt and appreciates the love and warm thoughts stitched into the design. Full size quilts for the troops seemed pretty impractical, although I would imagine as the Fall turns into Winter abroad, some full size quilts might be much appreciated.
In any case, I decided that sending our thanks to the troops in pocket-size packets of love would once again be a fun thing to do.
This time, I started a little earlier on the project, so you would have more than just 3 weeks to get your postcards made and shipped to us. Imagine that, it’s the first week in October, and Thanksgiving is 8 weeks away. Given that it takes two weeks to deliver the post cards overseas, that means that you have 6 weeks from today to make a fabric postcard or two or three, and send them along to us here at www.How-to-Quilt.com / www.Fabric-Postcards.com.
And this time, I’ve put together more than just one pattern. The theme is turkeys. And they are traditional patchwork – paper pieced – and this packet of patterns is free.
All of the information is available at: www.Fabric-Postcards.com
It's FREE to participate, and you can use whatever design you would like - doesn't need to be turkeys.
Join in the fun and keep up with the progress. The goal is to get 400 fabric postcards to send overseas by November 7.
Happy Quilting!
Penny Halgren
www.Fabric-Postcards.com - Quilt Greetings Across the Miles
www.How-to-Quilt.com - Inspiration and Education for Beginning Quilters
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