
Little fabric postcards have become very popular as a fun way for quilt makers to Send Quilt Greetings to Friends and Family Across the Miles. In addition, fabric postcards are a way to send a taste of the States to our troops around the world.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Greetings from Nancy in Mountain Home, Idaho:

"Family Support took the first box of fabric postcards to the cookie drive.. and they were really impressed.

I cannot say THANK YOU enough for all the sentiments, time and beautiful work everyone did..... The troops will value them from people all across the nation telling them they care and thanking them... This means alot right now to our troops. I am glad that you and I could be the rope tieing everything together and especially you!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

I need some thank you's for January and then We will have a major deployment in January so in a few months we will need a lot of thanks you as well as the ones strangling back inbetween. let me know if you have any other ideas?? I just know that we love these to give to our troops.

Three Big Boxes and Three Big Envelopes Later.....

In all, we have sent almost 700 of these tiny greetings to soldiers for the holidays, thanks to all of you.

This will be an ongoing project for us at www.How-to-Quilt.com and www.Fabric-Postcards.com.

The details might change, but the theme is the same - - let's let our troops know how much we appreciate them when they are abroad and when they arrive home.

Nancy indicated that Thank You cards are needed as soldiers return to their US base. Whenever the spirit moves you, make some cards, and send them along to us here at How to Quilt, PO Box 2112, La Mesa, CA 91943. We'll continue to post pictures of your creations and forward the fabric postcards to the Air Force Base in Mountain Home, Idaho.

If you have a school group or church group and would like a donation of fabric, please contact us, and we'll see you get the materials you need to make cards!

Happy Quilting!

Penny Halgren
Quilt Greetings Across the Milesa

Inspiration and Education for Beginning Quilters

Fast, Fun and Funky Quilts

Thursday, December 07, 2006

School Children Create Fabric Postcards for the Troops

Hundreds of elementary school children and many of their parents pulled together to honor the troops serving us abroad.

As a part of Penny's Postcard Posse, children in four schools expressed their creativity and appreciation to the soldiers who are abroad protecting their freedom.

One school used this as a project for Family Night, giving parents and children an opportunity so talk about the soldiers who are stationed far away from home and will not be home for the holidays.

After putting the finishing touches on her card, a 4 year old asked her mom where her card was going. When the mom told her, the little girl asked if she could send it directly to her brother who is stationed in Iraq. She proudly, yet sadly, tucked the postcard in her pocket so she could mail it to him. Just a little reminder of how individuals are affected by having their loved ones serving us to protect our freedom.

In addition to the kids, quilters from all around the country sent in cards. Several made more than one. Many needlessly apologized, saying that their cards weren't perfect, and said that it was the first quilt-type thing they had ever made.

All of the cards are wonderful, and I know that the soldiers will love and appreciate each and every one of them.

The dozens and dozens of cookies that will accompany these precious cards are getting ready to board a plane, and will be welcomed as the troops are reminded of home and the people here whose freedom they are protecting.

Pictures of the fabric postcards can be found at:


With the last minute roundup of hundreds of cards, we've gotten a little behind in posting the pictures, so we'll post them as we get them formatted. Keep watching!

It seems fitting that our day of collection is Pearl Harbor Day, giving us an opportunity to thank soldiers on active duty at the same time honoring soldiers stationed at Pearl Harbor during a time when the world was at war.

Thanks to everybody who participated. Feel free to post comments about the project, and pass the word on to your friends - quilters or not. Penny's Postcard Posse Roundup will round 'em up for Valentines' Day - so get your thinking caps on :-)

Happy Quilting!

Penny Halgren
Quilt Greetings Across the Miles

Inspiration and Education for Beginning Quilters

Fast, Fun and Funky Quilts


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Penny's Holiday Postcard Posse

The first shipment of 263 fabric postcards left San Diego today on its way to Mountain Home, Idaho.

There these little treasures will join up with dozens of handmade cookies, packed on a plane and head to parts East for our troops abroad.

It's amazing to see the cards and read the greetings that quilters and their friends have written to the soldiers.

The Rancho Murieta Quilters got together and made a bunch. Bonnie, from Quillows by Bonnie (http://www.quillowsbybonnie.com/) rounded up a hundred of her family and friends and sent cards with greetings. (They are shown in the row on the right in the picture above.)

Husbands have joined in, kids have scribbled their greetings, and maybe even a dog or cat has included their fur with a greeting.

We've seen all sizes and shapes - well, many anyway! From tall, skinny Santas to fat Christmas ornaments, and everything in between. Very colorful, they are.

And the messages on the back. All with words of support, wishes for the holidays and prayers for their safe return home.

Our friends at the base in Idaho continue to be most grateful for all of these little treasures and send their best wishes to all of the quilters who participated.

Our deadline for postcards to be included with the 1000 dozen cookies that are being sent is December 7. But, there continues to be appreciation for fabric postcards for soldiers who are returning to the base, and for families in Idaho who are missing their husbands and fathers.

Send your fabric postcards along at any time, with any theme. "Thank you" cards and "Welcome Home" cards are especially welcome!

More later - I'm back to taking pictures so I can post them at Holiday Postcard Posse Central -

Happy Quilting!

Penny Halgren
Quilt Greetings Across the Miles

Inspiration and Education for Beginning Quilters
